BME on track to deliver its targeted carbon reduction in 2023
News release 14 November 2023
BME is reporting solid progress in its ongoing commitment to reduce carbon emissions of its organic operations, achieving an 8% reduction in emissions in H1 2023 vs H1 2022.
This accomplishment is in line with BME’s firm ambitions for sustainability and carbon reduction. BME is aiming for a 25% reduction in carbon emissions by 2025 versus a 2021 baseline performance, followed by a 45% reduction in 2030, and an ultimate target of 100% reduction by 2045.
“We know the goals we have set are ambitious and they still are. But it’s empowering to see that the measures we took already paid off and that we are on track to reach our goals! We realize we have a long way to go still, but we are excited about the momentum we currently have.”
Remco Teulings, Group CEO
BME has organized the efforts into distinct categories, allowing for targeted strategies in various areas of our operations. One such initiative involves reducing heating at our locations. We have also reduced carbon emissions from employee commuting by transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs) and encouraging the use of public transportation.
Furthermore, our commitment to renewable energy has really paid off. The transition to renewable sources has resulted in a remarkable reduction in carbon emissions from electricity consumption, nearly halving our carbon footprint in this category.
“We have signed new green energy contracts for the majority of our Operating Companies and so far we have retrofitted over 55% of our locations with LED lights and are on track to make significant progress in the remainder of the year.”
Stefan van Loon, Group Sustainability Director
We will continue with our efforts to reach our ambitions to reduce our carbon footprint and keep reporting about it.